The right had rebranded, it as the new racism, as wokeness run amok, as a threat to innocent schoolchildren and as a stalking-horse for the demise of ‘Western civilization’ itself. The theory has become the target of coordinated efforts to stigmatize and erase generations of antiracist ...
“Stalkingfrom home to home, a United States Army sergeant methodically killed at least 16 civilians, 9 of them children, in a rural stretch of southern Afghanistan early on Sunday. …Residents of three villages in the Panjwai district of Kandahar Province described a terrifying string of attacks...
交通监控显示有一辆灰车在跟着Adrian The traffic cams show that there was a gray car stalking Adrian. 这里 还有这里 Here and- and here. 可能是任何人的车 不代表就是Reddick的 Could be anyones car. Doesnt mean its Reddicks. 对吗? Right? 所以到最后 你还是只想着你的事业? So after all this,...