Killers of the Flower Moon - Members of the Osage tribe in the United States are murdered under mysterious circumstances in the 1920s sparking a major F.B.I. investigation involving J. Edgar Hoover.
片名《花月杀手》,英文名Killers of the Flower Moon 5月也称为杀花月,盛开的小花因为更高植物的生长掠夺而枯萎。 “花月杀手”指的就是奥塞奇族谋杀案,白人对奥塞奇族人的谋杀和掠夺。 奥塞奇族靠着石油意外发财,也招来了意料之外的灾难。 在当年,无数白人涌入俄克拉马州,他们觊觎着奥塞奇族人的财产,亦蚕食着奥...
Just back in from Killers of the Flower Moon.Sad to report that what could have been a taut and thrilling portrait of the evils that men do for money - particularly when it comes to acquiring the money that belongs to people they look down on, is instead a ponderous meditation on wicked...
In Jesse Plemons: The Irishman, The Power of the Dog, and Killers of the Flower Moon …Scorsese and De Niro on Killers of the Flower Moon. The movie, which also starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Lily Gladstone, tells the true story of the Osage Nation murders in the 1920s, in which white...
红毯 1:00:11 颁奖典礼全场 2:14:25 最佳电影群戏:《奥本海默》 07:00 最佳女主角:莉莉·格莱斯顿《花月杀手》Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon 05:39 最佳男主角:基里安·墨菲《奥本海默》Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer 05:14 最佳男配角:小罗伯特·唐尼《奥本海默》Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer ...
网易云音乐是一款专注于发现与分享的音乐产品,依托专业音乐人、DJ、好友推荐及社交功能,为用户打造全新的音乐生活。 Throughout the mid-1920s, the Osage Nation suffered a series of mysterious murders, and the body count kept piling up until the federal investigators got involved. But who was killing all of these people, and why? 0:00 Introduction & Back...
To better understand where Killers of the Flower Moon fits into the long history of Native representation in mainstream movies, let’s look back at how we got here.In the last decade of the 19th century, public entertainment featured Native Americans as talent. Buffalo Bill’s “Wild West...
「花月殺手 Killers of the Flower Moon」,Martin Charles Scorsese再度聚焦人性之惡,表現原住民與美國社會之關係。 昨天在iSqare看了IMAX版本,酣暢的劇場式體驗,表演和攝影都不含糊。最後的 廣播劇 片段,M...