花月杀手 Killers of the Flower Moon 导演:马丁·斯科塞斯 编剧:埃里克·罗思/马丁·斯科塞斯 主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥/罗伯特·德尼罗/莉莉·格莱斯顿/杰西·普莱蒙/坦图·卡丁诺/更多... 类型:剧情/爱情/悬疑/历史/犯罪/西部 制片国家/地区:美国
#Killers of the Flower Moon# 花月杀手这个翻译我真的不太喜欢。当时去看这部电影,看到这个标题真的完全猜不透电影会是讲什么的。虽然标题里有Killer这个词,可是我真的没想过会有杀手[允悲]加上如果是moon flo...
#花月杀手# ( Killers of the Flower Moon) (A-) 长是真长[跪了],特别是最后一个小时,我个人觉得有很多地方其实可缩减,如短于三小时或者拍成电视剧可能更好。但是老马就是老马,他与诺兰、卡梅隆一样,就算拍...
Killers of the Flower Moon - Members of the Osage tribe in the United States are murdered under mysterious circumstances in the 1920s sparking a major F.B.I. investigation involving J. Edgar Hoover.
The Best Modern Westerns, from ‘The Power of the Dog’ to ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ to ‘The Hateful Eight’ From revenge thrillers to comedies, many of today's top filmmakers have done their part to keep the Western genre alive. By Wilson Chapman, Christian Zilko November 19, 202...
Filming "Killers of the Flower Moon"Director Martin Scorsese's latest film is an adaptation of David Grann's bestseller of early 20th century Oklahoma, about a scourge of suspicious deaths of members of the Osage tribe who had become fabulously wealthy because of their oil rights. Correspondent ...
Get everything you need to know about Dramatic Irony in Killers of the Flower Moon. Analysis, related characters, quotes, themes, and symbols.
the titleKillers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI—the film details how ruthless white men conspired to steal wealth from the Osage Nation, whom they deemed unworthy of such riches, to the extent that they systematically murdered them to obtain it. Although the...
《Killers of the flower moon》自从出版后就受到普遍好评,尽管国内暂未引进,但是不要紧,马丁斯科塞斯与迪卡普里奥已经联手准备将本书搬上屏幕,而本书的黑色基调也非常适合斯科塞斯。我有理由相信,随着电影上映,将有更多人回望和思考制度性种族歧视下的悲剧,并对如今包括美国社会在内的族群间新一轮的紧张关系给予更...