Killers of the Flower Moon讲述的正是一段尘封已久的印第安人被驱赶、欺辱和谋杀的黑暗血泪史。本书按时间线叙事,分为三个部分:以Osage部落的mollie一家为主的案情叙述;FBI的调查(FBI在此期间成立);本书作者对百年... (展开) 0回应 春末夏初 2019-01-29 15:04:06 假装公平公正 这篇书评可能有关键...
"Killers of the Flower Moon" is a Western crime drama film co-written and directed by Martin Scorsese, based on the non-fiction book of the same name by David Grann. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone, it touches upon an often overlooked piece of American histor...
正是在这样的背景下,当我读完这本《Killers of the flower moon》(花月杀手)后,感觉无比唏嘘。事实上,这本书叙述的历史并非印第安人与美国移民激烈斗争的历史,故事发生在20世纪初的20年代,美国早已告别拓荒中的野蛮时代,已经进入法制更加完善的社会,而就是在这样的背景下,一场社会性屠杀却依然在太阳下发生。故事...
Killers of the Flower Moon — in theaters now — from director Martin Scorsese is a powerful, imperfect film that you absolutely must see.
Killers of the Flower Moon - Members of the Osage tribe in the United States are murdered under mysterious circumstances in the 1920s sparking a major F.B.I. investigation involving J. Edgar Hoover.
David Grann’s bookKillers of the Flower Moontook the world by storm in 2017, withTimelisting it as one of the best nonfiction books of the year. It was a riveting and tragic tale of a hidden part of America’s history, where systemic abuse of the legal system and unbridled greed tramp...
Review by ariadny Patron Killers of the Flower Moon 2023 ★★★ Watched Feb 23, 2024 ariadny’s review published on Letterboxd: mais uma vez scorsese faz um clássico. eu particularmente gosto da maneira como o martin conta suas histórias e dirige, todos os roteiros são bem amarrados...
Killers of the Flower Moon 2023 ★★★ Watched Oct 21, 2023 Yungwy95’s review published on Letterboxd: My words can’t ever do this justice. Scorsese has countless times showed the ugliness of the history of America in various ways but this times it’s the aggression and brutality...
Killers of the Flower Moondoesn't move briskly. Herein lies a major flaw that varies depending on your degree of patience. The characters and environment are undoubtedly engaging. But what happens over an exhausting three hours plus is clear as day within the first 15 minutes. Scorsese's granu...
titleKillers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI—the film details how ruthless white men conspired to steal wealth from the Osage Nation, whom they deemed unworthy of such riches, to the extent that they systematically murdered them to obtain it. Although the ...