A female killer whale gives birth to one calf at a time every three to 10 years. Orcas work together to take care of the young. Female killer whales live to be around 50 years old, but some orcas have lived up to 100 years. Males live shorter lives, usually dying by age 29. The ...
particularly in the North Pacific, North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Most of the killer whale populations live relatively close to the coast for most of the time. In Europe, the killer whale is particularly common off Norway.
Migration patterns are poorly understood. Despite decades of research, where these animals go for large periods of the year remains unknown. Killer Whale Size Male killer whales typically grow to between 6 to 8 metres (20 to 26 ft) long and weigh in excess of 6 tons (5.9 long tons; 6.6 ...
The average litter size for a Killer Whale is 1. What is an interesting fact about Killer Whales? Killer Whales typically consume over 200 kg of food a day! What is the scientific name for the Killer Whale? The scientific name for the Killer Whale is Orcinus orca. What is the lifespan...
Fast Facts: Killer Whales (Orcas) Scientific Name:Orcinus orca Common Name(s): Killer whale, orca, blackfish, grampus Basic Animal Group:Mammal Size:16–26 feet Weight: 3–6 tons Lifespan: 29–60 years Diet:Carnivore Habitat:All oceans and most seas with a preference for northern latitudes...
https://www.whalefacts.org/are-whales-intelligent/. Bradford, Alina. "Orcas: Facts About Killer Whales." LiveScience. November 20, 2014. Accessed September 12, 2018. https://www.livescience.com/27431-orcas-killer-whales.html. "Orca (Killer Whale)." National Geographic. June 15, 2017. ...
Path:Animal Facts/ Killer Whale Facts & Information Killer Whales (Orca Whale, Black Fish) Scientific Name: Orcinus Orca Family: Dolphins Class: Marine Mammal Here you can find scientific information in German:Grosser Schwertwal, Orcawal, Killerwal, pictures on a German website:Wale und Wal Bil...
after whale rose under the ice, setting it rocking fiercely; luckily Ponting kept his feet and was able to fly to security. By an extraordinary chance also, the splits had been made around and between the dogs, so that neither of them fell into the water. Then it was clear that the ...
Common Name: Orca (Killer Whale) Scientific Name: Orcinus orca Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Group Name: Pod Average Life Span In The Wild: 50 to 80 years Size: 23 to 32 feet Weight: Up to 6 tons Size relative to a bus: IUCN Red List Status: ? Data deficient LC NT VU EN ...
Killer whale, largest member of the dolphin family (Delphinidae). The killer whale is easy to identify by its size and its striking coloration: jet black on top and pure white below with a white patch behind each eye, another extending up each flank, and