Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡吗?为什么我200M的宽带速度总是上不去,只有20M,具体怎么设置的啊,我家的无限都比有线快了 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 **老哥 我跟你一模一样都是200m的网变20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 我的把网络设置改成自动以后好了一段时间 然后最近又是20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1...
只要网线、路由器满足千兆的条件,默认就是千兆的了, king1234567866 1ms 1 Gigabit 就是千兆意思 jelin61 1ms 1 解决了!我告诉你我的解决办法就是先把接到E2400网卡的网线接到一个支持千兆且兼容该网卡的交换机或者无线路由器显示为1G速度之后,在电脑上测试一下速度,然后拔下来马上插到你要用的那个路由器...
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller求大神解惑 只看楼主 收藏 回复超级奶爸 痛下决心 3 这个网卡怎么设置的?我200M的宽带,用无线反而比有线快,有线才20M,是不是这个网卡设置问题?具体怎么设置的,求大神指点 hi总攻大人 无所不知 11 下最新驱动试试看 冬夜和漫漫 本吧水人 13 我也是啊,怎么...
已经确认在程序中killer相关的东西全都删干净了。主要是想玩破解的日本街机游戏exvs2,已经确认有人拔掉killer网卡后用无线 2.5g usb网卡就可以正常联网,但我这个killer的驱动杀不干净。设备信息如下:设备名称DESKTOP-HAE7EK3处理器Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz机带RAM16.0 GB (15.9 GB...
acer brands acer predator helios 300(ph317-54),killer e2500 gigabit ethernet controller hi guys, speed over killer e2500 gigabit controller is only 100/100mbps.i tried almost everything to increase lan speed,but no luck.can anyone have the same problem with that.thanks alot. 0 answers ...
这块主板网卡Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡我装的电信300兆宽带为啥测网速才100兆有的时候连100兆都不到,光猫用的千兆猫也插在千兆口上了,网线是七类线,千兆口直连电脑,而且我没有1g全双工模式,这破杀手网卡事咋这么多啊。怎么弄啊。 awly 30ms 4 1 回潮大石 500ms 8 只要...
There were a lot of issues with their ethernet E2500 Killer cards which were solved by updating them. Lately, this became a big issue as the controller loses the connection, do not appear disconnected but have no internet and we have to disable and re-enable them to fix the issue. We ...
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