《kill me heal me》(《杀了我治愈我》)为韩国MBC电视台于2015年1月7日播出的水木迷你连续剧,由《拥抱太阳的月亮》的编剧陈秀完与《伊甸园之东》的导演金镇万、《Hotel King》的导演金大镇联手打造的以多重人格障碍为题材的新剧,并加入神秘推理情节,首次挑战韩剧前所未有的全新题材。
《Kill me Heal me》[第01集/连载中][韩语中字][TSKS] [剧 名]:Kill me Heal me [播 送]:韩国MBC [类 型]:MBC水木剧 [首 播]:2015年01月07日 [时 间]:每周三四晚间8点45分各播放一集 [接 档]:MR.Back [导 演]:金振万 [编 剧]:陈秀完 [主 演]:池城 黄静茵 朴瑞俊 金宥利 [制 作...
This MBC dramaKill Me, Heal Mewas praised to the sky by many, but I'll warn you ahead of time I couldn't quite understand why. To me a good portion of this drama was silly, dull and annoying (I gave up on the first episode 3 times before I made myself watch the series all th...
【MBC|剧子】水木..中文名:杀了我,治愈我 英文名:Kill Me Heal Me韩文名:킬미 힐미 制片地区:韩国集数:60分钟 类型:七重人格,爱情,治愈,浪漫
kill me heal me DVD-NG账号已注销 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1340 -- 4:52 App 宿命感拉满 2193 -- 0:19 App “救命,好爱这段话”——韩语台词跟读6 476 8 2:29 App 【池晟|车耀汉|选择善良|“若尚存明天,红日再上都可当作第一天”】 8万 884 39:43 App melo韩剧...
Hello again drama fans! This ispurplecow, back after a long recapping hiatus.Kill Me, Heal Meis a “healing romance” between a third-generation chaebol with multiple personalities and the first-year resident psychiatrist who will have to deal with each and every one of them. The first episo...
小编也是抱着“跟潮流”的态度看了几集,结果却难逃“真香”定律,于是毫不犹豫地加入了声讨“渣男渣女”Rob和Jade的行列中。脑海中还不停浮现呼应剧名的疑问“WHY WOMEN KILL?到底杀了谁?”简直太上(shao)头(nao)了!不仅剧情高能,服装drama,剧中的画面也很有看头,从每个镜头中都能一窥那个时代的潮流和风格。
Kill Me, Heal Meis the first Korean drama that caught our attention for 2015. There have been dramas out there with where it focuses on multiple personalities in the past, but probably not one that features seven (at least, as far as we’re aware of). ...
drama/kmhm/index.html 分享4赞 网名吧 逃逃逃逃到那° 【图集·kill me heal me杀了我治愈我】幻听(환청)(幻听) - 张在仁,NaShow 谁来将我叫醒,从我这伤痕累累的灵魂之中 能将我支配的,并不是活在我身体里的那些家伙们 能给我自由 分享112赞 韩剧吧 chumuye 【图片】《killmehealme》(杀了我...
新浪娱乐讯 将于11日播出的韩国电视剧《Kill Me Heal Me》中,池晟分裂成全罗道真男人佩里朴,如愿吃...