又名Kiki and Herb Reloaded 主演 Theo AdamsAndy BellJustin BondDan EtheridgePatricia Field 演职人员(20) Michaline Babich 导演 Chris Gallagher 导演 Matt Gallagher 导演 Theo Adams 演员 饰Himself Andy Bell 演员 饰Himself Justin Bond 演员 饰Kiki DuRane Dan Etheridge 演员 饰Dr. Frank Har....
狄波拉·哈利,1945年7月1日出生,Deborah Harry,美国说唱女歌手、演员、Blondie乐队主唱、70年代末最拉风的性感女人。 Stephin MerrittStephin Merritt,演员,参演电影《Strange Powers: Stephin Merritt and the Magnetic Fields》《他山之乐》。 威尔·帕顿威尔·帕顿(Will Patton),男,1954年出生于美国,演员。代表作品...
of select U.S. cities titled The Resurrection Tour. A European tour followed, which included a sell-out run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as well as two short documentary films about the duo that screened at a few film festivals: Kiki and Herb Reloaded and Kiki and Herb on the Rocks...
Kiki and Herb Reloaded演职人员有Theo Adams、Andy Bell、Justin Bond、Dan Etheridge、Patricia Field、Philip Glass、Claudia Gonson、黛布拉·哈里、Ana Matronic、Kenny Mellman、Stephin Merritt、Michael Musto、Will Patton、Jason Sellards、Rufus Wainwright