Kiilto家用护理产品是KiiltoClean Oy的商标,KiiltoClean Oy是一家芬兰洗衣,清洁和卫生用品生产商。Kiilto家庭护理产品包括多种常规和特殊清洁产品以及地板护理产品。Kiilto家庭护理产品在芬兰开发和制造。Martat是一个非政府组织,致力于促进家庭和家庭的福祉并重视家庭。烈士组织加强了人们对生活的控制,并提供了持久改善...
这次旅行显然是成功的,因为Kiilto因其个人体育活动而获奖:Kiilto Oy被选为 2016年芬兰最活跃的工作场所,其姊妹公司KiiltoClean Oy在2018年也获得了同样的认可。“通过我们多年来的坚定努力,我们已经能够为公司创造一种体育友好且活跃的氛围。Niemi说,我们已经看到它激发了闪闪发光的人们,我们希望它也能吸引新员工...
Everything starts with cleanliness and safety. A clean environment and clean surfaces are always a sign of determined and professional work.
KiiltoClean Oy PO Box 157 20101 Turku, Finland Visiting address: Tengströminkatu 6, 20360 Turku, FinlandContact Customer service: Tel. +358 (0)207 710 100, weekdays 8.00 am – 4.00 pm (UTC+3) Orders: Company switchboard: Tel. +358 207 710 ...
这次旅行显然是成功的,因为Kiilto因其个人体育活动而获奖:Kiilto Oy在2016年被选为芬兰最活跃的工作场所,其姊妹公司KiiltoClean Oy在2018年也获得了同样的认可。 “通过我们多年来的坚定努力,我们能够为公司创造积极主动的氛围。Niemi说:“我们看到它激发了光彩夺目的人们,我们希望它也能吸引新员工参加他们提供的活动。
KiiltoClean Group Professional hygiene, and consumer goods Intermedius Oy Products for the shoe, textile, steel and engineering industries, plastic-coated products Our Promise to the Environment We believe that our industry is filled with potential when it comes to finding sustainable innovations and so...
ELECTROCLEAN Aerosol GLASSFOAM Aerosol Kiilto Pro Heavy Duty 75 wipes Industrial Cloth LEAKFINDER Aerosol METASORB CARPET Protective Mat MULTISPRAY Aerosol POWERCLEAN Aerosol PRESSURECLEAN Aerosol PTFE-SPRAY Aerosol REMOVER Aerosol RTV RED, silicone ...
The future is being created today. At Kiilto, we invest in the future every day by promoting the occupational wellbeing of our employees, encouraging innovation and making our operations more sustainable. We are guided by the desire to be an environmental leader, using our expertise to create ...