She comes to the conclusion that the derivative in question essentially does not differ in meaning from the word-formation basis, but it responds to the different needs of Polish speakers.MIKIEWICZ, MARZENAJzyk Polski
He behaves in such a way only when he is happy :)
Gdy włączona jest funkcja darowizn cyklicznych, twoi darczyńcy mogą przekazywać mniejsze kwoty miesięcznie, kwartalnie, półrocznie lub rocznie, zamiast wysyłać dużą jednorazową darowiznę. Darczyńcy mogą również w razie potrzeby anulować...
The cognitive approach enables us to have a more profound insight into the psychometric measurement process which is in fact a complex process of communication between people involved in the measurement. It does not require abandoning the standard statistical methods, including Rasch procedures based on...
摘要:次の記事では、ノートパソコンから離れているときに、Latitude 7400 2-in-1近接センサーによってディスプレイが暗くなってオフになる状況を理解するための一般的なガイダンスを提供します。 详细文章 说明 提供反馈 请选择产品以检...
The terminology introduced makes it also possible to consider Zbigniew Herbert as a representative of aesthetic conservative modernism, which combines both conventions of verse writing and uses both regular verse and various varieties of free verse.Sioma, Radosaw...
wszystkim tym, o czym przed chwilą (When a researcher becomes a secret agent: the perception of covert participant observation as ethically problematic; quantitative research methods; hidden dimensions of social life and their relation- ship with everything that has just happened - in Pol- ish...
(i.e., the experience of game space and time) is an element of the gaming condition, determining the relationship between the human body and the game's universe. These relations are bilateral: humans impact on the game world, the game impacts on the human body. This principle has ...
Kiedy stosowanie preparatów osocza w leczeniu zaburzeń krzepnięcia u noworodka jest skuteczne?The authors of the publication listed and described preparations of plasma available for transfusion. They mention the method of processing and preparing for safe applying with newborn babies.In the ...
The essence of a sore throat is inflammation on the growing surface infection. Viral infection are the cause of pharyngitis and tonsillitis in 70‑85% in children and in 90‑95% in adults. Usually these are rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, Epstein‑Barr virus, Coxsackie, herpes ...