I'm sorry to hear that. We need more professional help for mental health issues and drug addiction. Some hospitals offer day group therapy. Maybe that is an avenue to look into if you haven't already. Our son is not willing to get help. There is nothing more we can doMore Needhop...
The treatment of unilesional mycosis fungoides with methyl aminolevulinate-photodynamic therapy. A 78-year-old man with an 8-year-old history of histolo-gically verified mycosis fungoides (MF) presented at our outpatient clinic. Twenty-five years ago, ... J Hegyi,T Frey,P Arenberger - 《Jo...
Cognitive-behaviour therapy and skilled motor performance in adults with chronic tic disorder The first aim of the present study was to compare performance of people with tic disorders (TD) and controls on executive function and a range of skilled m... KP O'Connor,ME Lavoie,E Stip,... - ...