To elude his father's malevolent grasp, Finn fakes his own death and heads downriver on a makeshift raft with his best friend, escaped slave Jim (Paul Winfield). The unlikely pair find themselves in more than just deep water as they embark on a long journey that they hope will assure ...
If a woman became pregnant with an additional child, she normally was urged to have an abortion. Sterilization after one child was also promoted. In some areas of China, couples who violated the policy had to pay large fines. One problem the government faced was the widespread desire for ...
The video, titled "Sick Song | + More BST Songs for Kids" features more of their classic nightmarish trappings — babies with absurdly large heads, random sound effects, and a tune so repetitive that your sanity will be questioned should you choose to sit through more than 30 seconds. The...
collecting trains or building the layout. We strive to grow our membership and a world-class model train layout,” Scagnelli said. “But what keeps me involved is the friendships of the members, interacting with other clubs and the hundreds of connections made online. We want to be active i...
performance. That’s not the only place Ollie struggles with her parents, who are constantly butting heads with her younger sister Cat. As Ollie learns more about herself through the year, she finds herself regretting the ties she cut with friends after each move and also starts to feel ...
He ordered three bacon cheeseburgers, a large fries and a fountain drink, and then pulled back onto Route 20, shoveling the food into his mouth after handing the controls back to the Toyota. The burgers were swaddled in wax paper, piping hot and delicious in the cheap, dirty way only ...
Don’t you love my new hairdo?(fluff your hair with your hands) AIKEN DRUM This old Scottish song is one of my favorites to sing and play. I often have the kids suggest their own foods for the different parts of Aiken Drum’s face, but this time I printed out large pictures of mea...
The vast possibilities of this technique were explored by Jim Henson with many of his Muppet figures. Rod puppets were also common in the Soviet Union, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary, where large government-supported puppet theaters enjoyed great popularity. Although rod puppets are ...
This summer, we plan to return to the eye of the storm in Tacloban to re-visit the schools and be reunited with the children we met last year. Through the Global Studies Program at our new school, Deerfield Academy, we will explore ways to advance our, “helping communities with children...
This summer, we plan to return to the eye of the storm in Tacloban to re-visit the schools and be reunited with the children we met last year. Through the Global Studies Program at our new school, Deerfield Academy, we will explore ways to advance our, “helping communities with children...