Tablets make learning fun. Even students who are usually daydreaming during class pay attention during iPad time.No!-Henry Getting bored should be part o f everybody's life, especially when you are a kid. Today's technology is so entertaining (娱乐的) that kids get lost in it. They don...
An excellent resource for all parents as well as teachers, a worksheet is a great way for them to gauge how well kids know the subject. There are ready-made worksheets as well as ones that you can customize. This gives teachers and parents the flexibility to choose the kind of problems t...
Transparency International suggests that countries that have a low score also have low levels of press freedom and protection of the press and NGO’ order to combat corruption the organisation recommends that among other things, free speech should be encouraged in all environments and that acces...
You don't know _ 1you're missing!The Sant a Fe Show included more than 800 pieces of folk art from nearly50 countries. The artists come from many different cultures. Still, they all2 one thing. They take objects that are normally thrown away 3 make them into objects that are beautiful...
1. What can you see from the cover? 2. What’s the title? What does it mean? 3. Do you dare to speak out on your problems? Read the passage in the speech bubbles on pages 2, 6, 10, 14 to find out the kids’ problems and finish the task on the worksheet. ...
It makes me think all this focus on academic excellence today is leading to some kids missing out on essential life skills, such as learning how to do laundry without accidentally tie-dyeing your white underwear, or reheating leftovers without covering the inside of the microwave in exploding veg...
Did you know that seven kids have been reported missing in Arkansas since January? Can you imagine if your daughter, son, grandson, or granddaughter was
A century of research shows that parents who are warm, demanding, and non-coercive, and who enforce clear, legitimate rules raise happy, successful kids. Career Give Fs for Missing Grades Instead of Zeros Nancy Darling Ph.D. on September 30, 2022 Giving students Fs for missing assignments...
Mother: Why are you crying? Daughter: Because I wanted to get a dinosaur for my baby brother. Mother: That's no reason to cry. Daughter: Yes it is! No one would trade me! What was the scariest prehistoric animal?(The Terror-dactyl!) What has a spiked tail, plates on its back,...
sure it’s true that the world is more dangerous these days than when I was growing up. I mean, I was a kid when the Atlanta Child Murders were happening. But still, if I saw a 10-year-old alone, ambling around my 2019 neighborhood, I’d be like: “Where’s that kid’s ...