This Christian object lesson using aMIRRORteaches how we are not only created in God's image, but our lives should also reflect His image each and every day. AMIRRORcan also be used to teach an interactive, but simple, Bible lesson on forgiveness that great for little ones!
We could talk all day about howWe Choose Virtueshelps instill societal and family virtues in kids. But we'd rather let our customers tell you how it has helped them, whether they used it as part of a homeschool lesson plan, Christian homeschool program, Sunday school lesson, or in a pu...
These Adam and Eve printables will help you teach this important Bible lesson about sin and forgiveness. From coloring sheets to games, there is a printable that young children will love to use. They are perfect to use in your Sunday school classroom or at home. ...
How about when you walked into your school’s lunchroom a few minutes late and the entire table—YES, EVERYone—was waving you over… pointing to that ‘saved’ empty seat? They even made a sign with ‘your’ name on it! Brace yourself…you might want to sit on the floor! Read this...
but we’re very quick to dismiss the literal words of our Lord Jesus. Jesus gives very direct commands about violence or money or refugees or forgiveness, and we’re like, “He didn’t really mean that literally.” When we do that, we sound just like the devil. “Did Jesus really mea...
As with humility, diplomacy isn’t in the Leo play book when they’ve been wronged and forgiveness will be very long in coming. Lions are notorious for holding a grudge. About the only way to help your Leo boy with this is by walking your talk and giving him a sound ex...
Thank you for this lesson. I am a Sunday School teacher of preschoolers and first grade children. This works perfectly with teaching them the Fruit of The Spirit. Honesty, Trustworthy, Faith, Goodness. This is a wonderful lesson and then reward them with a dish of ice cream, to show contr...
The story of Jesus in the Temple, Luke 2:41-52, teaches children that by studying and learning they can grow in favor with God and man. Children are often very proud of what they are learning. This Bible story teaches them that just as they are growing a
“offender,” making them grovel and beg for forgiveness, and making sure they know they are scum. In other words, they will only consider forgiveness (if you can even call it that) when they think they’ve made the “offender” hurt enough—but they make sure to have it ready to ...
In what way are the themes of love, sin, forgiveness, and despair played out in this novel? IMPORTANT QUOTES “I’ve done many things that I thought I would never dare to do because they were sins. But I didn’t realize then that the consequence of sin is that you have to trample ...