UK, with a separate dub made to help localize the show to a British audience. The channel only aired the first season, with the original American version airing for the later seasons on other channels. The characters were re-dubbed with British voice actors, Whyatt Beanstalk was ...
Super Why正是这类学习类动画片。主角带领大家去阅读一个经典故事(如三只小猪),在这个过程中,学习字母及基本词汇+训练孩子的拼写+通过对关键词进行改动给每个故事都赋予一个皆大欢喜的故事。其中的经典故事都是有字幕的! 《Super Why》阅读魔法简要:
011_Super_Why_Little_Miss_Muffet.mp4 012_Super_Why_Cinderella.mp4 013_Super_Why_The_Ant_and_the_Grasshopper.mp4 014_Super_Why_The_Little_Red_Hen.mp4 015_Super_Why_The_Frog_Prince.mp4 016_Super_Why_The_Princess_and_the_Pea.mp4 017_Super_Why_Little_Red_Riding_Hood.mp4 018_Super_Why_To...
阅读魔法 Super Why 剧情 动画片“阅读魔法 Super Why!”的另外一个英文名字是“The Reading Adventures of Super Why!”,也译作“超级为什么”、或“好奇超人”,是一部以阅读为主题的英语儿童动画片。目的是为了让孩子从小喜爱图书、并能将图书和阅读作为终生自我教育的丰富资源。
动画片“阅读魔法 Super Why!”的另外一个英文名字是“The Reading Adventures of Super Why!”,也译作“超级为什么”、或“好奇超人”,是一部以阅读为主题的英语儿童动画片。目的是为了让孩子从小喜爱图书、并能将图书和阅读作为终生自我教育的丰富资源。
朗文培生super tots 朗文my little island 朗文培生big fun 香港朗文elect 朗文直通车 tot talk 21世纪love english 台湾东西图书love english 牛津show and tell 台湾敦煌Give Me Five 美国MM new yippe 牛津Get set go 美国tree house树屋 点读版本love english 麦克米伦doodle town 0-4岁幼儿认知小百科 美国幼儿...
Each year there is a switching-on ceremony during which the fairy lights are turned on, accompanied by music and a special show. It is a tradition that has been around for many years - the first time a tree was set up there was more than 80 years ago. ...
001_Super_Why_The_Three_Little_Pigs 2.3万 2016-09 2 002_Super_Why_Hansel_and_Gretel 1.2万 2016-09 3 003_Super_Why_Humpty_Dumpty 9611 2016-09 4 004_Super_Why_Jack_and_the_Beanstalk 8152 2016-09 5 005_Super_Why_The_Tortoise_and_the_Hare ...
Super Why by:没有你的故事你是谁 529 Super One by:JSJ杰思娱乐 5203 super phonics by:早早猴的花果山 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 炅妈亲子英语 339199777 简介:炅妈亲子英语主要由两大部分组成,一部分是各类英美动画片音频和英文儿歌,作为英语输入的材料。播放给他们听,既不伤眼睛,又...
I don’t like that they show a few of the most recent videos, then most popular, and then chronological releases. I wish you could switch between chronological and most popular so it’s easier to find videos. I also want an option to turn of the sounds effects that play when you press...