Witherspoon revealed her youngest son’s nickname while celebrating his 8th birthday in September 2020. “Tenn, you are the brightest spirit, the most inquisitive soul and the funniest little guy I know,” she wrote via Instagram. "What a joy it is to be your mama." Credit:The Drew Bar...
Prince Michael II was conceived and borne by a different surrogate than his siblings, and his mother has never come forward. He was the baby involved in the famous "baby dangling" incident where Jackson hung the child draped in a blanket over a balcony in Berlin, which he claims was an ...
"Ryder — I mean, he's clearly gonna probablyfollow in the footstepsof the family. And I would say he's probably the funniest in our family. So, this is like every day for me. Nobody makes me laugh like Ryder, and he just constantly makes fun of me," she said. ...