The show includes puppets, props and, of course, catchy tunes from their CD. Listen up for "Subway Train," an alphabetical journey through NYC's public transportation system, among others. All ages. Details Address Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.Sign up for our newsletter ...
03/17/2016 [-] There's plenty for kids to while NYC schools are on break 03/16/2016 [-] For Kids, Two Breakfasts Healthier Than None 03/14/2016 [-] Is The Donald safe for kids? 03/14/2016 [-] Unhealthy food ads for kids 'unethical' ...
Grammy nominatedduo Jason Rabinowitz and Jacob Stein return for the finale weekend with a whole new electro-pop show inspired by their new release,Appetite for Construction.Another Grammy nomination or win is wildly anticipated.Experience what happens as The Pop Ups mix indie rock, hand-painted set...
Let's get moving and grooving! In this weekly class, we'll learn a short routine inspired by hip-hop, breakdance, and jazz. We'll then finish with a danc
This was a quick week, we managed to relax for a day in NYC and reset our parental clock. Was exciting to see the Vessel from up top.. She has been out of sorts the past few days, with a small cold and just mildly fussy. But she always smiles and tries to be happy. It’s fu...
I have a cool aunt who’s single with no kids and I would always spend the night at her house growing up, she would take me out to eat, and when I graduated high school we went on a trip to NYC which was so fun. And we always get the most Christmas money from her (and my ...
Watch The Ball Drop In NYC This makes for a fun New Years’ Eve activity for kindergarten.If you have kids that still go to bed on the early side but want to watch the ball drop, check out YouTube for last year’s big night. We have a blast watching it, even if it is from the...
Tags: Christmas, city guide NYC, cooking, food, goop, Gwyneth Paltrow, holidays, Laduree, macarons, New York, parenting, Smitten Kitchen gingersnaps {photo via Peony / Melbourne} Merry Almost-Christmas! Holy crap, it’s almost here. On my mind: Good news — someone ELSE is cleaning my ...
Save bubble wrap and let them pop it (you can join them as well). Work from home station. Let kids to emulate parents working from home. Challenge them to draw, paint, color or "work" on play laptops with one another for the duration of a 30 minute call. Create a sensory bin ...
A pigeon dying to get behind the wheel of a bus? Not so shocking in NYC. would definitely be shocking. Swipe your Metrocard for this adorably hilarious tale. Even better? Toddlers can choose their own adventure with this story.Ages 3–5. ...