Outdoor activitiesshould be a part of every child’s daily routine.Outdoor activitieshave long-term health benefits as it not only increases your stamina but also enhances physical development in a child. It will also help in stimulating blood cells and develop the kid’s senses. Here, we wi...
At Therapy Solutions for Kids, we believe that every child deserves access to high-quality therapy services. That’s why we have created a platform that makes it easy for parents and caregivers to find the right provider for their child. Our website features detailed profiles of each provider...
Biohacking our way to health with robot cells | Michael Levin 1 year ago / 199 views 06:06 The #1 way to strengthen your mind is to use your body | Wendy Suzuki 1 year ago / 180 views 10:25 The Reason Why Cancer is so Hard to Beat 1 year ago / 266 views 02:20 Pandemic...
"Brain Balance has been the most rewarding experience of my life. For years I had struggled with a severe attention deficit problem, along with a severe stutter/speech impediment. The 3 months I spent in this program has done more for me than any stimulant medication or speech therapy I’ve...
Today news comes about mass sexual attacks on children even from their very near relatives. Such boys and girls lost even their mental balance. I think now a days children are heavily betrayed by unsocial elements. So this helpless younger aged are low self esteemed. Poverty, negligence also ...
I do my best to show my daughter appropriate ways to manage it. This includes using calm-down tools and techniques such as taking a deep breath, counting from 10 to 1, apologizing when necessary, and sharing my feelings when appropriate. I’m nowhere near perfect. Like every parent (or ...
The 3 months I spent in this program has done more for me than any stimulant medication or speech therapy I’ve ever had. Every single tool I’ve learned here I have implemented into every aspect of my life. My life is BETTER because I went to brain balance. I am no longer dependent...
The adaptive bike for kids: small recumbent trike developed for children & teenagers with disabilities and short persons with special needs.
Started Physical therapy at 9 months old (has mild hypotonia), started … My Son has SPD, ADHD and Hypotonia. He is 3 1/2 My son WILL NOT use the potty. No way, no how, the only times I've gotten him to go is when I have him in underwear all day, he holds it in, and...
My therapy for me being away from my wife and kids hurts may I get help Marryon April 03, 2018: my child is being molested, she falls under all of these. I need to find out who has been doing it Deanna Dorroughon April 03, 2018: ...