relying on the compassion of powerful, conflicted humans to not squish them. I like these books a lot. Although irrelevant to boys behaving nicely, ‘The Lady And The Spider,’ (not pictured) is slow-paced and pensive, but holds up surprisingly well as a mild suspense-thriller...
Victorious, Perseus flies off on winged sandals. Bellerophon and Pegasus The Chimera The Monster: The Chimera The Hero: Bellerophon The Battle: The fire-breathing Chimera is a terrifying beast with a serpent for a tail, a goat’s body and a lion’s head! A king has commanded warrior, ...
Family life is considered very important in Greece. Children often live with their parents, even after they get married. Greeks live long lives and it is thought that their varied diet of olives, olive oil, lamb, fish, squid, chickpeas and lots of fruits and vegetables keep them healthy. O...
Two hours later, I’d finished dessert, called my mom twice, and summoned my upstairs neighbor-dudes to see if it really smelled like gas. “Maybe?” they said, sniffing up and down the hallway. I diligently Googled the signs of CO exposure: a hypochondriac’s nightmare of the nonspecifi...
8. One fascinating fish found in the Amazon is the Pirarucu (also known as the arapaima or paiche). A menacing meat-eater, the pirarucu guzzles up other fish and can grow to nearly 3m long! And what makes it super deadly? It has teeth on the roof of its mouth and on its tongue!
and terrible creatures, and taught the importance of bravery, intelligence, and right and wrong. They showed that even the gods, like mortal men, could be punished or rewarded for their actions. Details of the ancient tales have been found on everything from pottery to temples to stone ...