There are many ways to streamline the planning and execution of healthy snacks for kids, from packing ahead of time to allowing your child some choice in the matter. The path you take will depend on your life's specific circumstances. The main thing to remember is that this does not requir...
Adults love their brunch toasts, and there’s no reason kids shouldn’t too. In fact, it can make for a great healthy snack. Toast up a slice of whole grain bread, then experiment with toppings: hummus and cucumber slices, cream cheese and tomato, nut butter and blueberries, there are ...
Engage kids in making healthy snacks with easy, fun recipes that teach nutrition and foster independence and energize all the day.
Thinking of healthy snacks for kids that are also appeasing to hungry bubbas can be tricky. Here we run through some quick & easy snack ideas
Raising Healthy Kids: Snacks for Healthy KidsReplace high fat, high sugar "junk" foods with yummy snacks that satisfy kids and provide good nutrition for growing bodies. Kids are experts at snacking. Create snack stations and let kids choose from your super snack ideas.Litchfield, Ruth E...
As the mom, I am in charge of the what, when, and how of healthy snacks. I decide if the whining preschooler on the floor needs a snack or is bored.
My kids are always asking for snacks, so I try to keep healthy snacking options around my house. Since we homeschool, we have to have lots of snacks around! I know that when kids come home from school they are always hungry, too. So today, I have compiled some of our favorite health...
Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what they can get at home. That's why it's important to have enough healthy snacks at home, such as nuts and yogurt. Tip Three: Being a Good Example The best way for parents to encourage healthy eating is to eat well themselves. Kids wil...
Getting more veggies into the average kid can be quite a challenge, but organic vegetables and fruit(especially raw)are the building blocks of good nutrition, which is why they top the chart for nutritious healthy snacks! Aside from classic favorites like “Carrots withRanch Dressing” and “Ant...
Snacks can be part of a healthy diet for both kids and adults, but choosing the right foods in the right amounts will make or break your snack time. Popular snacks like cookies and chips are typically high in sugar, saturated fat, and salt and lack important nutrients like vitamin D, ir...