EL CAJON, Calif. â When doctors told Carmen Hurtado that her 8-year-old was sick with a condition known as fatty liver disease, her first reaction was not fear. It was confusion.Dani was a happy, active child, and other than putting on some we
Cases ofheat-related illnessare rising with average air temperatures, and experts say almost half of those getting sick are children. The reason is twofold: Children's bodies have more trouble regulating temperature than those of adults, and they rely on adults to help protect them from overheati...
Getting other people to bully someone else Sending harassing or threatening messages online or by text message (cyberbullying) Threatening to do any of the above things What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullyingis using the internet, texting and/or social media to intimidate, spread rumours, put down ...
Since the first epidemic in 1894, the crippling and highly contagious polio virus had been paralyzing children and terrorizing their parents—it's hard to imagine that by the mid-1950s there was a mother in America who didn't think of polio every time her children got sick. Then, Americans...
Teens in news to benefit sick kids ; GREAT BARR: Tales of romance make headlines for fund-raising pupilsTony Collins
Kids are getting sick One of the most common questions parents ask Dr. Ameenuddin is whether children really need to get vaccinated for COVID-19. "What I've stressed to them is that we've actually gotten a lot of good information over the past couple of years (about COVID-19's effect...
让我们最崩溃的是,宝宝突然开始浑身颤抖,嘴唇发紫,我们吓得连忙开车去了Sickkids急诊。我们到达急诊室的时间是晚上9:30,之前来过一次,所以对等待时间有所预期。见到了triage护士几乎是瞬间的,然后我们就进入了waiting room。ER旁边的Starbucks十一点关,有需要的可以早点买饮料或食物。等了大概三小时后,我们被叫到名字...
There is some debate on the most effective measures for preventing sickness and, though some evidence is crystal clear, other research is inconclusive. Still, here are some sure-fire ways we know reduce our chances of getting sick: Sleeping (yes, again!) ...
Kids getting sick, dying or spreading it to at-risk populations. Schools not reopening at all; or on the flip side, that schools will open. The social and emotional health of our young kids because of social isolation, mask-wearing, lack of play and recess, being stuck in the same roo...
This week it's the stomach bug at my house, where two of my kids have gotten sick in the last 24 hours. Of course, when kids need to vomit they often don't make it to the toilet in time. That's always fun. Parentslovedoing extra laundry, washing bedding and blankets, and scrub...