A coming-of-age tale set in Italy, the film follows two young sea monsters, Luca and Alberto, who disguise themselves as humans to have fun in the surface city of Portorosso, where they scarf down pasta, lust after an expensive scooter, and partake in a grueling relay race. Operating as...
There are tons of exciting aspects of traditional animation that may inspire kids. Coming up with the story and then writing a rough first draft will engage kids who love to write. Then, creating astoryboardwill be a fun visual challenge. After that, there’s all of the work that goes ...
Time for your kids to grow up smarter, and TwinsFun makes it happen. We create content worth viewing to delight your little one and put a smile on their face
Our apps are designed to help readers learn while having fun. We’re confident that you and your child will thoroughly enjoy the game-like experience. Explore our interactive storybooks and support us grow with you. App Privacy The developer,Wala Bear Inc., indicated that the app’s privacy...
Learning games for kids encourage your child to learn in a way that’s fun See Why Kids and Parents Love This App "By far the greatest. This app is like a vital studying tool for children, helping them learn and play at the same time." Bridget H. “HOMER keeps both of my boys ent...
Bebe Song is a video streaming platform that has educational and entertainment content for kids. Time for your young one to learn with fun with pleasing videos.
Counting stars up in the sky One two three four watch them fly Numbers dancing by the moon Math is fun we'll sing in tune Math adventure here we go Adding numbers watch us grow Subtract divide that's our show Multiplying feel the flow Shapes and angles here they come Circle squares let...
Five six seven eight watch us grow Nine and ten now count again Numbers are our trusty friends Count to ten with giggles and fun Numbers dancing one by one Join the crew it's time to play Math is cool in every way Hop skip jump on number lines Adding up like sunshine shines Subtractin...
I won't lie this s**t is fun Tell these Asian kids they could do what they want Might steal the mic at the GRAMMYs just to say we won That everyone can make it don't matter where you from Can't forget about the day that Sean called me ...
and tilt the device to fast-forward or rewind. This feature was a favorite of our testers, who noted that the simplicity of the controls makes it easy and fun for kids to use whenever they want without needing my help, which was “a huge win.” The soft foam and fabric add a layer...