In the heart of Mexico, young Miguel (Anthony Gonzalez) dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz (Benjamin Bratt). However, his family has a generations-old ban on music. On Dia de los Muertos, a series of mysterious events leads Miguel to the stunning...
Once Upon a Time focuses on the past events of mankind that happened a long time ago.El Oso YoguiYogi Bear is a funny animal who has appeared in numerous comic books, television shows and films. He was created by Hanna-Barbera. The plot of most of Yogi’s cartoons centered on his ...
Family-Friendly New Years Events,Fun Things to do with Kids in the Washington DC Area,Kids New Year's Eve Celebrations Near Me,Light Displays,Maryland New Year's Eve,Maryland Science Center,New Year's 2025,New Year's Eve 2024,New Years Eve Celebrations with Kids,New Years in DC,New Year...
Weekend Picks Upgrade your whole dang weekend with this week's best concerts, nightlife, exhibits and more. Read More Annual Events Annual Events Whether you're an art enthusiast, sports fanatic, foodie or someone simply looking to have a good time on your Dallas getaway, your entire year ...
This year, it is experimenting with Pay What You Decide (PWYD). That is, you can decide to pay what you want to or can afford, after you have attended an event. You can pre-book events without paying for a ticket in advance. Here are some of the director’s picks.Walk on the ...
However, this inconvenience turns into a heartfelt turn of events as Moon befriends a lost girl named Luna, and they bond and get in the holiday spirit along the way.An Almost Christmas Storybalances a melancholic and wholesome feel that’s perfect for quick viewing and a change of pace fr...
He should be setting up meetings for coffee, going to networking events and job fairs. I've heard of people who have gotten hired without any sort of interview just because they had strong connections who could vouch for them, talking to people is that p...
Over all, spa events are relaxing so there is not to add to much excitement. Often the sounds, scents and atmosphere will be all that you need to stage the celebration. Who is this spa party for? There are a host of girls who would enjoy this special celebration. ...
When I finish speaking at these events, I'm always surprised to see how many students line up to talk with me afterward. They want and need to share their stories, their desire to be free from their struggles with pornography, their battles with shame, and their pain from abuse—struggles...
Currently in its ninth season, Brown’s Emmy-nominated “Delicious Miss Brown” is shot on-location in Charleston and “shares the family events, culture and recipes close to Kardea’s heart.”The eighth season of Brown’s daytime series reached more than 6.7 million viewers. New episodes of...