"Move your feet, get out of your seat, it's time to praise Him,"St. John's United Methodist...Erbacher, Megan
These themed sermons are crafted to engage children in understanding key moments in the life of Jesus and the church, making the Bible’s story relevant to their own lives. By incorporating these seasonal lessons into Sunday School, you can enrich the learning experience with meaningful, time-...
That's why I created Kids Bible Teacher.com - to give you solid Bible materials so that YOU CAN make an eternal impact on the lives of your students, even if you don't have tons of time to prepare lessons. You are passionate about teaching your students the Bible. So am I! Let's ...
These activities will help children in children’s church, youth group, or Bible Study to connect with the story of Easter through creative lesson ideas. Want to excite your students? Introduce these engaging Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Children’s ministry ideas, hands-on crafts, coloring ...
If they had, they would have witnessed or at least heard about negative experiences their friends of color experience with alarming frequency in this country. Diversifying your social circle may require you to move beyond your neighborhood, your school district, your church community, your comfort ...
Sunday School Lessons for Kids Over the years of I’ve taught many Sunday School Lessons for Kids at home and church. Although we have a Bible curriculum, I always feel the need to add some fun Bible crafts, Bible activities for kids, or object lessons to make them extra memorable for ...
You may or may not realize this, but Easter is the last Sunday of this month, so my fun projects were two food object lessons to teach children about the resurrection of Christ. I am under no delusion that you have not heard of these object lessons, but I thought what better place and...
This is such a creative way to share the resurrection story using aTEA BAGfor an Easter lesson! God'sTOOLBOXis a lesson about the different spiritual gifts God gives and how He uses us each uniquely to build up His church. A tube ofTOOTHPASTEcan illustrate how we should think before we...
Easter - Easter Song Everybody Ought to Know Father AbrahamVideo From East to West, from Shore to Shore From Heaven High I Come to You Get On Board Little Children Go Tell it on the MountainVideo God from on High has Heard God is Good and God is Great ...
(or Christmas) the way the church I grew up in did. We celebrate the risen Christ, but there are no special “lessons” about Easter for the children in Sunday School. So how do I explain to a 3 year old about Christ needing to die for our sins, and that He rose again for our ...