Moreover, all books, except technical ones, were burned. In his last years, Shihuangdi became fearful of threats on his life and lived in complete secrecy. He also became obsessed with obtaining immortality. He died in 210 bc in what is now Shandong Province, far from the capital of ...
She brought together the two most unlikely characters from the Newport house party that set the scene for book one and not only created a mutual agreement that was guaranteed to generate chemistry she gave them an incredible HEA. I love Joanna Shupe’s books and I really hope we get more f...
This is book two of a series I missed last year (thank you, Walker Books for sending me a review copy). The animal cast will appeal to fans ofMr. Wolf’s Class, and it would make a good book for those just starting with chapter books. I’m always fascinated by animal stories in ...
and the most powerful ones that argue for inclusion and feature complex characters tend to use identity-first language. This makes sense since the authors are more likely to write books about inclusion and social justice are familiar with social models of disability and the disability ...
MORE: Books about Explorers and Adventurers Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Booker T. Washington by Jabari Asim, illustrated by Bryan Collier Find it: Bookshop | Amazon Asim tells Washington's story in beautiful free verse. Born a slave, Washington was determined to get an education. After ...
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, but is also one of the promising countries due to changes in the country's leadership and efforts to combat poverty and increase the education levels in the country. The economy in Ethiopia is mainly driven by agriculture and fisheries du...
Some episodes also tell the stories of women who have taken a backseat in history books, such as Maria Mitchell, the first American to discover a new comet. And to bring the story alive, historical figures are sometimes voiced by guests, who really take their voice acting seriously. ...
Yuan finally decided to follow his inner calling. He grabbed a sleeping bag and some clothes, packed a bunch of books and left for Enshi, which is over 1,000 kilometers away from his hometown. UNIQUE TEACHING APPROACH When Yuan first started teaching, he encountered students with different te...
Kids Ain't Cheap covers family, money, life, and parenting, and the bottom line that kids are an expensive, yet welcome gift.
Brian Karas Atheneum BYR / Caitlyn Dlouhy Books — January 2021 978-1-4814-6489-5 32 Pages Age 4—8 Genre: Children’s Picture Book Themes: Frogs, Easter Bunny, Easter Back Cover Here comes Peter Easter Frog, hopping down his favorite log. Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its— … Rate...