4 Adam and Eve Printables that teach the Bible Story to kids These Adam and Eve printables will help you teach this important Bible lesson about sin and forgiveness. From coloring sheets to games, there is a printable that young children will love to use. They are perfect to use in your ...
Small matters to God. People matter to God. When we start to think we don’t matter or aren’t worth anything, we need to remember that to Jesus, every single person was worth His blood for forgiveness. He loves each and every person and died for each of us because we matter to him!
No matter how windy it is, the waves always keep forming in the ocean and roll along until they land on the beach. Do you know what sin is? Sin is when we do things that God doesn’t want us to do- like not listening to your parents or being mean to someone. The Bible tells ...
This Christian object lesson using aMIRRORteaches how we are not only created in God's image, but our lives should also reflect His image each and every day. AMIRRORcan also be used to teach an interactive, but simple, Bible lesson on forgiveness that great for little ones!
The story of Jesus in the Temple, Luke 2:41-52, teaches children that by studying and learning they can grow in favor with God and man. Children are often very proud of what they are learning. This Bible story teaches them that just as they are growing a
sin and trust that Jesus dying on the cross made it possible to obtain forgiveness for sins2. Tying activities such as coloring pages, word searches and crafts to the 10 Commandments helps children understand why the crucifixion happened and will deepen your child's understanding of the Bible. ...
the vine. We must remain in him so that we are able to stand firm until the end. There will be some work on our part, but we are resting in his strength and ability to change us. He is there offering the free gift of help and forgiveness. All of this is impossible on our own....
The Bible Verse in the Frame is - "How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey." (Psalms 119:103) Written on the candy corn shapes. are great tasting words for the soul such as: peace, love, joy, forgiveness, faith, trust, etc. ...