The innocent joy of two dalmatians, Pongo and Perdita, is shattered when the evil Cruella De Vil kidnaps their 15 puppies to make a luxurious fur coat, leading to an epic rescue mission. With the help of other dogs and the bravery of their owners, they work together to outwit the villai...
In 101 Dalmatians, Pongo and Perdita, two dalmatians living in London, become proud parents to a litter of adorable puppies. However, their joy quickly turns to concern when the infamous Cruella De Vil (Betty Lou Gerson), driven by her obsession with fur fashion, kidnaps the p...
Rocking Puppies – TV Zombie (new) CandyBand – Monsters Skank Turner – Be More Kind (new) ID 3rd set Valerie June (feat. Carla Thomas) – Friendship REM – Furry Happy Monsters ID Wee Scary Beasties – Monsters Disco Lucy Kalantari & the Jazz Cats – Hallo Hallo Halloween ID They Mig...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Celebrate Fall 52 Best Portable Thanksgiving Potluck Recipes 62 Easy Thanksgiving Table Settings 99 Thanksgiving Quotes for Greetings and Toasts These Thanksgiving Gifts Run the Gamut
By the way, I’ve put “parenting” in the previous paragraph in quotes because Carney poses a valid question: since when did “having kids” become “parenting?” What set of social expectations is packed into turning what was routine for generations into a special verb? “Even the wordpar...
Jessica Simpson’s kids must have been extra good this year! The singer’sdaughter, Maxwell, and son, Ace, got matching puppies for Christmas. Related:Celebrities Who Adopted Pets in 2018: Pics! “Santa’s Nice List!” the fashion designer, 38, wrote on Instagram on Tuesday, December 2...
You’ll encounter many wild and whimsical holiday characters here, from saucy snowmen and ice skating birds to acrobat elves and stocking stuffer puppies. These whimsical holiday images offer an easy way to de-stress and unleash your inner artist. ...
This charming Disney classic tells the story of a group of adorable Dalmatian puppies and their brave quest to escape the clutches of the villainous Cruella de Vil. With its lovable characters, thrilling adventure, and important themes about family and courage, 101 Dalmatians is a delig...
She also always wanted to be the evil witch when we played princess games, and had an odd fascination with Cruella de Vil, even after I explained to her dozens of times that Cruella was evil and wanted to make a fur coat out of puppies. It only seemed to increase her inte...
She also always wanted to be the evil witch when we played princess games, and had an odd fascination with Cruella de Vil, even after I explained to her dozens of times that Cruella was evil and wanted to make a fur coat out of puppies. It only seemed to increase her inte...