Health & Parenting Guide Toddler Milestones Child Development Behavior & Discipline Child Safety Healthy Habits Simple Quiz: Kids and Car Safety Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh, MD on July 10, 2024Question 1/1 When can kids ride in front? 7 years old 10 years old 13 years oldUpdate...
NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM)— Kids and Car Safety is partnering with PETA for the #HotCarsKill campaign to raise awareness about the danger of hot cars.Children and pets dying or being injured in hot cars is a public health problem. The good news is the tragedies are preventable.Kids and Ca...
Making sure children are properly buckled up in the car is the single biggest thing that could be done to save young lives in car crashes, according to a new study that looked at traffic deaths state by state.The researchers also found that some states do much better than others when it ...
Hey there! I am the editor in chief of SCCS. I am a dedicated child safety expert with over a decade of experience in promoting and educating about kids’ car safety. Our staff offers 50+ years of experience in children car safety. This ensures our readers are getting the best information...
We help parents make every arrival a safe arrival with innovative options for car safety, driving while pregnant and traveling with kids.
Car-safety seats changing to accommodate heavier kids
Parenthood might well be summed up as the beautiful and eternally unwavering struggle to protect your kids against all the ways the world might hurt them. Car seat safety is an important part of those efforts, helping keep your most precious cargo safe on the road. When choosing a car seat...
XJD includes XJD Kids Go Kart,kids bikes,toddler slides,climbing toys and playpens for babies and toddlers, all crafted to ensure safety and excitement for your little ones.Explore the best in children's toys with XJD premium selection, designed to provi
XJD includes XJD Kids Go Kart,kids bikes,toddler slides,climbing toys and playpens for babies and toddlers, all crafted to ensure safety and excitement for your little ones.Explore the best in children's toys with XJD premium selection, designed to provi
If you have car seat safety questions or product questions about the RideSafer Travel Vest or Tummy Shield, contact us here.