Cystine stones A very small number of stones are made of a chemical called cystine. Medicines to prevent them include: ●Potassium citrate. ●Penicillamine. ●Tiopronin. ●Captopril. Struvite stones Some struvite stones (staghorn calculi) form because of frequent kidney infections. If you have a ...
Kidney stones, also called urinary stones, are rock-like substances in one or both of your kidneys. They form when you have an imbalance of minerals, likecalciumor uric acid, in your urine (pee). Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a a golf ball, altho...
Crystals, minerals, and precipitates—these things can form and grow within an animal’s urinary tract system to become what is called a stone (also referred to as a urolith or calculi). Stones can vary both in where they are located in the urinary tract system as well as what they are ...
Some stones grow very large and fill the entirety of the kidney collecting system. They are called staghorn calculi (calculus = stone) because they look like antlers. While most kidney stones are made up of calcium oxalate crystals, this type of stone is a composite of struvite, carbonate, ...
Small stones in your pee. They're sometimes called gravel. These may or may not cause you pain. Cloudy or bad-smelling pee. The kidney stone could lead to an infection in your urinary tract. Fever and Chills While most of your kidney stone symptoms will be in your urinary tract, you ...
There are four main types of stones: 1.Calcium oxalate:The most common type of kidney stone which is created when calcium combines with oxalate in the urine. Inadequate calcium and fluid intake, as well other conditions, may contribute to their formation. ...
Kidney stones are diagnosed by excluding other possible causes of abdominal pain and associated symptoms. Imaging tests including an X-ray called a KUB view (kidney, ureter, bladder), or a helical CT scan are often used to confirm the diagnosis of kidney stones. Although the amount of radiatio...
Less common kidney stones are made of calcium phosphate, or uric acid. 少部分肾结石是由磷酸钙或尿酸形成 A slightly different type of stone 这种石头有点不同 made of the minerals magnesium ammonium phosphate, or struvite, 因为它是由矿物磷酸铵镁或称水磷镁铵石形成 can be caused by bacterial inf...
Kidney stone, concretion of minerals and organic matter that forms in the kidneys. Such stones may become so large as to impair normal renal function. Urine contains many salts in solution, and if the concentration of mineral salts becomes excessive, the