Noun1.kidney failure- inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance renal failure failure- loss of ability to function normally; "kidney failure" kidney disease,nephropathy,renal disorder,nephrosis- a disease affecting the kidneys ...
Symptoms and treatment of Kidney failure in a reptile due to over supplimentation of vitamins such as D3, and or metabolic bone disease - calcium deficiency. (lizard, snake, turtle, tortoise, frog, salamander)
1. 肾:此时肺巨噬细胞质中含大量血红蛋白分解产物--含铁血黄素颗粒,称为习力衰竭细胞(heatr failure cell).泌尿系统(urinary system)包括肾脏,输尿管,膀胱及尿道.肾(kidney)是人体主要的排泄器官.肾表面有致密结缔组织构成的被膜, 2. 腰子:和牛后腿的(Tip)都适合焖、烩等制作牛肉饼(Cubed),肉串(Kabobs)...
The one with the fever and the rash and the kidney failure that eventually killed her? FromThe Daily Beast His conservatism, which is more of a cultural than political kidney, seems to fascinate, delight or detract critics. FromThe Daily Beast ...
Health experts say ingesting a small amount of melamine poses no danger, but in larger doses, it can cause kidney stones and lead to kidney failure.(健康专家表示,摄入小量三聚氰胺不会有危险,但如果摄入量很大,可导致肾结石,并会诱发肾衰竭。) Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor....
Choosing a healthy balanced diet is simple. It should involve large quantities of fruit and vegetables with moderate quantities of meat and dairy and small amounts of fat. Processed foods and junk foods are laden with salts and preservatives as well as being high in calories so it should be ...
Nausea and Vomiting Facing difficulty in concentrating Loss of appetite Aversion towards meat (protein aversion) Itching or pruritus Symptoms of Renal Failure from the accumulation of fluid in the body: Dyspnoea or shortness of breath (this happens due to the accumulation of fluid in ...
Peter was suffering from renal failure and needed a new kidney. 彼得身患肾脏疾病,需要换个新肾。 kidneyn(food)(食物)SCSimplified Chinese腰子 Ben liked to bake pies with organ meats like liver and kidney in them. 本喜欢用内脏做派吃,里面夹肝和腰子。
The study team found that participants who ate the largest amount of red meat had about a 40 percent greater risk of developing kidney failure compared with people consuming the lowest amounts of meat. However, the researchers didn’t find any associations between kidney health and intake of po...
Acute kidney injury, a reversible type of kidney failure Frequent UTIs Chronic kidney disease (CKD) Takeaways Kidney stonesare hard masses that can form inside yourkidneys. They form from themineralsand salts that are dissolved in your pee, especially if you haven't been drinking enough water....