Kidney dysfunction in cats is not caused by diet, nor is it worsened by diet. We do, however, often recommend diet changes in order to address some of the negative consequences of kidney disease. Our goals of dietary therapy include: ...
Medication and therapeutic interventions are only part of a comprehensive approach to managing CKD in cats. Adequate hydration, a balanced diet, and ongoing veterinary care are equally important in ensuring the well-being of cats with chronic kidney disease. In severe cases or non-regenerative anemia...
You can improve the quality of life for cats who suffer from kidney disease with specially formulated foods. Read more to get the best for your pet!
When your cat is diagnosed withkidney disease, diet becomes a crucial part of managing their health. Cats with kidney issues need food that islow in phosphorus,moderate in protein, and high inmoistureto support kidney function and reduce the strain on their kidneys. While prescription diets are ...
“Improving the Lives of Feline Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease,” presented at the Fetch dvm360 conference in Atlantic City; Mark J. Acierno, DVM, MBA, DACVIM, professor and associate dean at Midwestern University, talked about different methods for controlling these symptoms in cats, ...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, complex and progressive disease that is estimated to affect more than a third of cats over 10 years of age. Affected cats often present with a variety of clinical signs and complications including inappetence, nausea, vomiting, anaemia, hypertension and...
If your cat has lost weight due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), it can be hard to watch them waste away. Elura is the only FDA-approved treatment specifically designed for the management of weight loss in cats with CKD. It comes in a flavored, oral solution designed to appeal to cats...
Treatment for patients suffering from kidney disorders is often supportive or symptomatic. Without a kidney transplant, there is no cure for developmental or congenital kidney disease. Cats with high blood pressure should be switched to a low salt diet, and cats with chronic kidney failure should ...
Kidney Disease Diet Good Foods From Morning To Night We’ve discussed what goes into a successful kidney disease diet ad nauseum here at Healthy Kidney Inc. and part of the reason for that is Read More » Commercial Kidney Cat Food, Top Contenders To Help CKD in Cats ...
Kidney Disease Diet Good Foods From Morning To Night We’ve discussed what goes into a successful kidney disease diet ad nauseum here at Healthy Kidney Inc. and part of the reason for that is Read More » Commercial Kidney Cat Food, Top Contenders To Help CKD in Cats ...