Non-clathrin coated vesicles are involved in endocytosis in kidney collecting duct intercalated cells - BROWN, WEYER, et al. - 1987 () Citation Context ...embranes (13, 25), and an alkaline cell pH (pH0 (24, 27), they are believed to transport C1-/HCO3-. Two types of intercalated ...
There are nearly ten different types of kidney cells. A few important ones are the podocyte, which wraps around capillaries that filter blood, and the collecting duct intercalated cells which help maintain electrolyte and fluid balance. Actual SizeAbout 20 microns. ...
there are at least two primary cell types in the developing metanephros, the mesenchyme and the ureteric bud epithelia. Though these cells are phenotypically distinguishable, they do express some common markers and share a common origin. The ureteric bud epithelium originates thecollecting ductnetwork...
Current kidney organoids model development and diseases of the nephron but not the contiguous epithelial network of the kidney’s collecting duct (CD) system. Here, we report the generation of an expandable, 3D branching ureteric bud (UB) organoid cultur
Fib2, activated fibroblast2; CD-PC, collecting duct–principal cell; CNT, connecting tubule; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; Dediff. PT, dedifferentiated proximal tubule; DL, descending limb; EC, endothelial cell; IC, intercalated cell; JGA, juxtaglomerular apparatus; Pod, podocyte; Prolif. PT,...
medullary thick ascending loop of Henle, DCT; distal convoluted tubule, CNT; connecting tubule cells, PC; principal cells of collecting duct, IC_A; Type alpha intercalated cells, IC_B; Type beta intercalated cells, CD4T; T lymphocytes CD4 +, B_Naiive; Naiive B lymphocyte, Mac; macrophage...
collecting duct principal/intercalated cells type A and B; Leuk, leukocytes; IntC, interstitial cells).CUniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) of all kidney cells from snRNA-seq from individuals with AKI and controls.DHeatmap of marker genes of each major cell type. Examples of kno...
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These vesicles have transport features that differ among the various cell types, and this brief review will examine endosomes from the proximal tubule, and collecting duct intercalated principal cells, with respect to their content of two important proteins: water channels and proton pumps (H+ATPase...
There was no alteration in the proportion of intercalated and principle cells in any part of the collecting duct (104), and no actual increase in cell number when examined in cross section or any increase in mitotic figures (104, 247). In contrast, Evan et al. (70) and Ordonez and Sp...