踏入Kiddy Land,仿佛回到了童年的欢乐时光。这家四层楼的店铺,从四楼开始逛,每一层都有不同的惊喜。🎉🍒 樱桃小丸子系列:虽然玩偶的设计不够精致,周边产品也相对较少,但依然值得一逛。🐉 豆豆龙系列:这里的豆豆龙玩偶种类繁多,尤其是那款打伞的豆豆龙,价格合理,值得入手。👩👧👦 奥特曼系列:虽...
🎉探访东京原宿的Kiddy Land,这里是玩具爱好者的天堂!🎉🐻在地下整整一层,你可以找到各种史努比、毛绒玩具、餐具、文具、装饰品和贺卡,琳琅满目,让人目不暇接!🎁🌈从1层到6层,分布着各种知名IP,如迪士尼、小丸子、蓝胖子、小黄人、漫威等,种类繁多,应有尽有。除了周末人多一些,其他时间都非常舒适。🛍...
Kiddy Land is a Tokyo institution. The main Harajuku shop is a noisy, heaving maze of mascots, dolls, cuddly toys, action figures, and much more. Plus they've got all your favourite characters from Disney and Sanrio to iconic figures including Doraemon, Godzilla and Snoopy. Fun for both th...
If you are in the Harajuku area of Tokyo, it is a worthwhile stop to visit the Kiddyland here. There are over five floors of assorted toys and collectibles starting with the 1st floor- with a lot of popular Japanese characters and figurines, then on to the...
7月盛大开张的KIDDY LAND原宿店,年末以“欢欣愉快圣诞节”为主题,意将美梦变为现实,向每位顾客传递拥有欢乐、有梦想的世界观和感动,提供充满童趣的购物场所。原宿店共有地下一层和地上4层。地下一楼是PEANUTS小物专卖店,以“Happiness is…a warm puppy(幸福……是只温暖的小狗)”为口号,聚集了各种SNOOPY和小伙...
KiddyLand You can't miss the building! Its crowded on weekdays as well. They're open daily until 9pm. Check out their website for more details! KiddyLand - the name says it all, although it is Paradise for some adults as well. Popular Japanese character goods are generally sold on all...
申请人名称(英文)KIDDY LAND CO.,LTD. 申请地址(英文)6-1-9,JINGUMAE SHIBUYA-KU,TOKYO,JAPAN 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构中国专利代理(香港)有限公司 商标流程信息 2021-11-06续展公告 2021-11-03商标续展---核准通知打印发送 2021-09-19商标续展---申请收文 2021-09-18商标续展---申请收文 2012-...
商标名称 KIDDY LAND 国际分类 第35类-广告销售 商标状态 驳回复审 申请/注册号 10943695 申请日期 2012-05-21 申请人名称(中文) 客帝乐都有限公司;KIDDYLANDCO.,LTD. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 日本国东京都涩谷区神宫前六丁目1番9号;6-1-9,JINGUMAE SHIBUYA-KU,TOKYO,JAPAN 申请人地址(英文...
New Kiddy Land Harajuku Shop Info: When: Opens September 17, 2010 Where: Cat Street in the old HHStyle Building Address: 6-14-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Hours: 11:00 – 21:00 daily Official Website:Kiddy Land(English) ...
招聘收银员乙名 儿童游乐塲 (Kiddyland)聘请收银员 有意者请于办工时间11AM-7PM来电预约面试(周四除外) 电话:905-796-949…search.westca.com|基于4个网页 2. 玩具店 ...具店(如 loft / tokyo hands)和玩具店 (kiddyland) 都可以买到, 款色有很多, 整个柜都是 sanrio 的产品hk.knowledge.yahoo.com|...