Kidd was an honest merchant sea captain, and a former privateer in service to the King who knew the ways of pirates. For his backers, Livingston was able to entice five of the most powerful men in England: the Earl of Bellomont (governor of the colonial New York), the Earl of Romney...
working the seas for the government, what lead many people to turn to piracy, the tale of the first women pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read, how piracy impacted slavery, the pirates bonds of brotherhood under the Jolly Roger, and the events that lead to the death of the pirate era itself...
York City, where he owned property; at various times he was dispatched by bothNew YorkandMassachusettsto rid the coast of enemy privateers. In London in 1695, he received a royal commission to apprehend pirates who molested the ships of theEast India Companyin theRed Seaand in theIndian ...