Revise a personalised vocabulary list that targets your child’s weak areas Pet Battle, where your child takes on the role of an aspiring pet collector (think Pokémon). Capture and train pets by answering Chinese assessment book questions correctly Watch weekly video lessons (P1-P4) and fun an...
PowerPoint:Impactful ppt tips and ideas, Do’s and Don’ts, Transitions, Animations, Smart Art, Designing, Zoom, Presentation tools Word:Compare /Combine documents Track changes Insert Footnotes, Endnotes, Create Index and Table of Contents ...
* If you’re still thinking about a Spring Break getaway, here are some close-to-DC ideas. * Or maybe a farther to Miami Beach. (FYI – there are some great fares for March travel!) * This Free People sweatshirt is fun, colorful, perfect for spring — even better, this dupe is ...
. See the section “Other ideas to include in your warm” below for ideas. Note: You can also include review activities in the main body of your lesson. Kids can have short attention spans so it’s good to be able to pull out lots of activities during different stages of the lesson....
Have students run around the classroom touching things that teacher orders them to do (e.g. “Touch the table” “Touch a chair” “Touch your bag”). Colors work well for this, as students can touch anything of that color (e.g. “Touch something green”). ...
*Food ideasfor the Super Bowl. *Spring Breakideas for families. (Andclever luggagefor kiddos.) *We triedHungryroot, a meal kit and grocery delivery service, for the first time this week, and really like it! If you want to try it,this referral linkgets you $50 off your first order of...
Through TableCheck's EDM, the automated email marketing feature, restaurant owners can program an email blast to invite parents to participate in a restaurant family-themed event or celebrate their children's milestones. RELATED: How to run successful EDM marketing campaigns 5. Train your staff to...
Natalina and Huiyi goodbye as they left a day earlier due to prior commitments. The rest of us went to the nearby Nagoya Hill (for the umpteenth time!) for dinner at another local establishment. The most hilarious scene must have been when Bradley and I literally carried the table top with...
Hand it to your child and let them decorate any way they choose. Parenting Tip: It is ok and preferred if it doesn’t end up looking like mine!!! Looking for more ideas with Gingerbread Men this holiday season, take a look at these… Fingerprint...
notethatthetracknumbersrefertoKid’sBox2●Someideasforusingthewordcards: OnlineAudio.■Displaythemintheclassroomandthen,when checkinganswers,youcanaskpupilstopointto ●Thereisapageofteachingnotesbeforethe thecorrespondingwordcardortoselectitfrom worksheetsforeachunit.Thesenotesinclude cardslaidoutonthetable. opti...