Welcome to the original read aloud channel for children! Beloved by Kids, Educators & Authors, we have the largest online library of children's books.
#hawaii #kidtimestorytime #kidshor 01:01 If Your Best Friend Is an Elf 🎄 ELF READ ALOUD 10:49 Groundhog Day is NOT for Witches _ Groundhog Day BRAIN Break _ funny story for k 03:34 Kid Coach 💪🏼 Read Aloud for Kids & Good Sports! 11:48 Hawaii Waterfall Hike with ...
So Much SLIME ~ FUNNY read aloud ~ STEM books for kids 13:27 This Book is NOT for YOU! FUNNY read aloud 08:09 What if EVERYBODY Said THAT_ _ Bullying for kids _ SEL read aloud 09:54 Amelia Bedelia's FIRST Day of School read aloud 12:24 Collaboration Station _ Teamwork for...
The bus driver tells readers he has to leave and to make sure the pigeon doesn't drive the bus. Only the pigeon is persistent and finds lots of different ways of asking if he can drive the bus. (Kids get to answer with an emphatic, "No!" each time!) If your kids dig the pigeon...
What is it?Vooksis a library of kids’ favorite picture books that come to life through animation. The books are read aloud. And the words are also on the screen. There are NO ads so you can be sure students are getting safe screen time. ...
Little Mousie Brown: Storytime Rhyme with Finger Puppet 1 人观看 1:27 Little Raindrops Falling Down: Storytime Song 1 人观看 1:19 I Have a Little Ladybug: Storytime Song 1 人观看 1:49 Two Little Butterflies: Storytime Fingerplay 1 人观看 1:46 Welcome Song: I'm in the Mood...
5 0 01:00 App MAIL for Witcheficent 📦 #kidtimestorytime #shortsforfun 1.8万 0 01:24 App 炫卡斗士变形酷炫吊车 10 0 01:44 App Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Jingle Pups 5.8万 1 00:37 App 儿童启蒙益智视频:这些冒牌“食物”都有毒,学会辨别年夜饭千万不能上桌 10.5万 1 00:39 App 爸爸不能踩...
All the Best Books to Read Next How to Get a Free Dr. Seuss Book 20 Black History Books to Add to Your Reading List Amazon Is Giving Away Two Free E-Books How BookTok Saved Barnes and Noble
_ Fall books read aloud _ Fall story for kids 🍂🍂🍂 08:01 Old CLOTHES for DINNER_! Hispanic Heritage Month read alouds _ 🇨🇺 Bilingual Bo 11:52 Pebble Without a Cause _ Building Confidence & Self-Esteem _ Bedtime stories for 10:20 The Apple that FELL FAR from the Tree...
Do a reverse storytime and have your child read it to you, and then look at the extra goodies together. Ages 4-8Advertisement - Continue Reading BelowNow 35% Off $13 at Amazon$19 at Bookshop$13 at Walmart The most beloved picture book in Good Housekeeping 2023 Kids' Book Awards stars ...