宝玩最新原创儿歌《A Kid's World 》 A Kid's World 孩子的世界 词:张兰心 作曲、编曲:任斐 演唱:张兰心 和声:Charlotte Taylor Is my daddy Santa? 我爸爸是圣诞老人吗 Is my mom a queen? 我妈妈是皇后吗 Am I the Monkey King? 我是美猴王吗 Can you buy me a mall? 你能给我买个商场吗...
James not only tells jokes – he makes them up, and his mother Nancy says there’ll be times when it’s a “Joke-A-Day” feature in their lives. We’re thinking James might add this to his many potentially lucrative talents. Here’s a few of his mother’s favorites that she sent ...
There are multiple sinkholes to see along a nice boardwalk trail, and wikipedia tells me that they were used as hideouts by Native Americans fighting against Andrew Jackson during the Seminole Wars. My kids loved trying to throw rocks and leaves into the sinkholes when Keith and I weren’t ...
Rabbit tells her, rate the problem on a scale of one-to-ten. By identifying and realizing the true importance of the issue, the issue may not seem so overwhelming. Adorable forest creatures help the sad squirrel put everything into perspective so he does not to get stuck in a rut over ...
“Well, kids. Here’s a teachable moment – always be prepared,” and luckily, Milkshake always has plenty to talk about and share with the kids. Before the concert, I asked the crowd to note the “Secret Word” inPee Wee Herman-esque fashion. It was of course,WTMD. So every time ...