The brand new, full-length documentary about his career, titledA Man Named Scott, just dropped today, and it’s an amazing depiction of his rise, fall, and rebirth. The film begins with Kid Cudi’s breakout release, “Day N Nite,” and follows his career through the recording of his a...
Kid Cudi hasshared the first trailer of the documentary. It’s two minutes long and gives a good peek into what to expect. He mentions that helping other people through his art has always been an escape for him, but that he was never always happy. Cudi has been very open to the media...
One of hip-hop’s most influential stars,Kid Cudiis getting his very own documentary on Amazon,A Man NamedScott, available to stream onNovember 5th. In 2009,Scott MescudiakaKid Cudireleased his debut LP,Man on the Moon: The End of Day. A genre-bending album that broke barriers by featu...
The psychic bond between Kanye West and Kid Cudi yields a spacious and melancholy album about brokenness—thoughts are fragmented, relationships are ended, and societal ties are cut.
Kanye’s last full-length was 2016’s The Life of Pablo. Since, he’s announced that he is working on a philosophy book called Break the Simulation, and his Twitter is the new book. Cudi’s last solo album Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin’ was released in 2016. He recently released a ...
Last week,Kid Cudireleased a documentary about his career titledA Man Named Scott. The film dives into the very first beginnings when he first recorded “Day ‘N’ Nite,” follows the ebbs and flows of his mental health, and concludes when he rebirthed himself on his collaborative project...
Earlier today, “Saturday Night Live” cast member Pete Davidson was a guest on “The Breakfast Club” to promote his upcoming Comedy Central special “SMD.” During the interview, he discussed the state of hip-hop, and revealed the importance of Kid Cudi in his life. Wh...