With so many pages turned, and so many lessons learned, I have to say that the absolute cream of the crop this year, the best of the best books, the ones I would recommend to any one, are these (in no specific ranked order): Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig A bonkers nutso t...
I’ve alway been a performer. Always. But I’ve always been hesitant to call my self an “Artist”. An artist, in my opinion, is someone who creates. Who takes something from an idea to a reality. I’ve always been a great performer, I’m good at taking someones elses ideas and ...
gpu is sending conflicting signals which tv is going nuts. try just unplugging your monitor. im betting because its still plugged in. also see if tv has an update. but i dont think it would cause this It's up to date but I want to be able to swap back and forth between monitor...
We have only three days left on this thing. We still need your help. Please donate whatever you can. If you have have lost someone (like I lost my dad) or know someone who has cancer, please do us a favor and help kick cancer in the nuts —Go to our Movember Page! My father, ...
fruit and cheese with my avo toast. But oddly, the avocado and grapefruit pair really nicely together. Top it with some sprigs of mint and rosemary, sprinkle a little sea salt and throw on some toasted pine nuts and this recipe can very easily be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner!
I am still waiting to see if I got COVID from all this. So far, I have no symptoms. I lived and slept in masks the entire time, and most of the nurses and doctors were good about properly wearing masks. But I had to take them off to eat, to get assessed, and so on. So, ...