上映中:沒有上映日資訊。 3.0 Phil Weston (Will Ferrell), is an average person who has had to endure his father Buck Weston's (Robert Duvall) over-competitiveness throughout his childhood, an upbringing which has left permanent mental scars. Now middle-aged, married, with a young son named ...
Home 18 of 64 Kicking & Screaming (2005) Will Ferrell and Jesse Dylan in Kicking & Screaming (2005) PeopleWill Ferrell, Jesse Dylan TitlesKicking & ScreamingBack to top
Kicking & Screaming(2005) PG 95 min|Comedy, Family, Romance Edit pageAdd to list Track Family man Phil Weston, a lifelong victim of his father's competitive nature, takes on the coaching duties of a kids' soccer team, and soon realizes that he's also taking on his father's dysfunctional...
Kicking & Screaming.威尔·法瑞尔WillFerrell.罗伯特·杜瓦尔RobertDuvall.MikeDitka 欧美电影《足球老爹》 剧照 (19 幅, 2 页)剧情介绍演员表视频播放与下载支持的壁纸尺寸 454x302 33K 454x298 33K 357x236 37K 454x301 45K 209x206 21K 454x300 29K ...
Byline: MATT SOERGEL All hail soccer, coffee, Mike Ditka and Will Ferrell! Those elements...Soergel, Matt
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