拥有专利的Santoprene™转角,可让您的KICKER低音炮在任何音量下都能播放流畅,无失真的音乐。 Blue Lace™蜘蛛和罗纹环绕的护罩可以共同为您的L7提供更佳的悬架。每次都能感受到无与伦比的准确性和音量感。 参数: S12L7: 尺寸:12英寸 最大功率 1500W 额定功率 750W 灵敏度 88.6db 共振频率 34hz 阻...
L7 Q-Class Comp Gold About Subwoofers Kicker’s subwoofers are synonymous with high-quality audio performance. With a history stretching back to 1973, our car subwoofers consistently provide maximum performance and bass to millions of vehicles. With circular subwoofers that provide linear cone mov...
Pasmag Reviews the L7 Q-Class Subwoofer I can recall a time as a schoolboy when we were studying geometry. I could not fathom how this was ever going to be useful to me in my life, but of course, it was and continues to be. Apparently the engineers at Kicker were paying attention in...
由西安志远汽车音响改装的这台兰德酷路泽音响改装车,选用美国KICKER Q-CLASS顶级系列产品 全铝合金外壳低音箱K牌旗舰版低音L7QB8、 IQ高级功放带DSP调音功能、QSS顶级音质套装。整套KICKER顶级音响系统出来的声音真的是非常好,每个听到的朋友都赞不绝口!适逢广州音皇举办的“KICKER与你有约”西安站活动的举行,有幸让...
丰田C-HR音响改装KICKER音响,前声场:KICKER QS674顶级套装喇叭,KICKER 带DSP调音功能的IQ高级功放,全铝合金外壳原装低音小金钢L7QB8……整套KICKER Q Class系列顶级产品,一起感受一下改装完成现场音响效果!!! 整套系统改装简约大方、美观,适合大部分车主音响改装的要求!
The L7 Q class subwoofers come in 8", 10", 12", and 15" diameters. The 8 L7 canhandle 500 watts of RMS power, the 10" can handle 750 watts, the 12" can handle 900, and the massive 15" Q Class L7 can handle 1200 watts of RMS power. For the performance, power handling, and...
+2 分享回复赞 汽车音响吧 Intervention7 西安志远兰德酷路泽改装美国KICKER西安志远汽车音响改装的这台兰德酷路泽音响改装车,选用美国KICKER Q-CLASS顶级系列产品全铝合金外壳低音箱K牌旗舰版低音L7QB8、 IQ高级功放带DSP调音功能、QSS顶级音质套装。整套KICKER顶级音响系统出来的声音真的是非常好,每个听到的朋友......
000-watt KICKER system built to “demo” at extreme volumes. The converted delivery truck features 40 Q-Class L7® 15-inch subwoofers powered by 20 2,400-watt KICKER amplifiers. The incredible ride also includes 12 KICKER weather-resistant amps powering ...
Kicker Solo-Baric L7TDF Down-Firing 10" 2-Ohm Subwoofer Loaded Enclosure Add $263.96current price $263.96Kicker Solo-Baric L7TDF Down-Firing 10" 2-Ohm Subwoofer Loaded Enclosure Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Kicker 10" Car Subwoofers, Enclosure Bundle W/ HA-A400.1 Amp, Black ...
这台兰德酷路泽音响改装车,选用美国KICKER Q-CLASS顶级系列产品,全铝合金外壳低音箱K牌旗舰版低音L7QB8、 IQ高级功放带DSP调音功能、QSS顶级音质套装。整套KICKER顶级音响系统出来的声音真的是非常好,每个听到的朋友都赞不绝口!经过专业的器材调试,整套系统的音响器材发挥到极致!