Kibble-Zurek机制描述在有限速率连续相变过程中系统的非平衡动力学和拓扑缺陷的形成。 Tom Kibble等人指出,如果在极早期宇宙的冷却和膨胀过程中,双分量标量场(例如希格斯场,伴生于基本粒子希格斯玻色子)从各向同性和均匀的高温阶段切换到对称破缺阶段,在宇宙中距离足够远的区域没有相互连接,没有因果关系(not connected by...
Kibble-Zurek Mechanism是解释非平衡统计系统中拓扑孤立子(topological soliton)形成的机制。在一个多体系...
题目:Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Holography 报告人:张海青(北京航空航天大学) 时间:2023年02月28日(周二)10:00am-12:00am 主办方:中国科学院理论物理研究所 邀请人:李理 研究员 直播链接:蔻享--共享科学、传播科学 (二维码自动识别)发布于 2023-02-27 10:02...
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) predicts the density of topological defects produced in the dynamical processes of phase transitions in systems ranging from cosmology to condensed matter and quantum materials. The similarity between KZM and the Landau-Zener transition (LZT), which is a standard tool...
Seminar:Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Holography【中科院理论物理所】 开始时间 2023-02-28 10:00 题目:Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Holography 报告人:张海青(北京航空航天大学) 时间:2023年02月28日(周二)10:00am-12:00am 主办方:中国科学院理论物理研究所 邀请人:李理 研究员 报告人简介: 报告人张海青,北京航空...
Exceptional points (EPs) are ubiquitous in non-Hermitian systems, and represent the complex counterpart of critical points. By driving a system through a critical point at finite rate induces defects, described by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, which finds
We show that the Kibble-Zurek mechanism applies to nonequilibrium phase transitions found in driven assemblies of superconducting vortices and colloids moving over quenched disorder where a transition occurs from a plastic disordered flowing state to a moving anisotropic crystal. We measure the density ...
Zurek-Kibble mechanism for the spontaneous vortex formation in Nb-Al/Al(ox)/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions: new theory and experiment. Light cone dynamics and reverse Kibble-Zurek mechanism in two-dimensional superfluids following a quantum quench ...
Chesler, Liu and Garcia-Garcia,Defect formation beyond Kibble-Zurek mechanism and holography;Sonner, ...