Kibble is an item in Ark: Survival Evolved used to tame creatures at the maximum efficiency. Most creatures prefer Kibble made from a specific creature's eggs, combined with Fiber, Mejoberries, water (using an item such as a Waterskin), and other ingredients (usually meat or jerky and a ...
It is finally here! This is the first time we've done a public beta branch for ARK, so here is a lengthy but necessary introduction. As a quick starting note: Before accessing a beta branch you should create a backup of any single player games, characters, or server file...
-Patch Notes- Current (v260.0) & Upcoming Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version: v260.0 A Little Further Out - "Boss 分享183 方舟生存进化吧 丶未語人先羞 【记录】V260 NOW!!!Upcoming Version: v260 - New Saber Model! The Saber also has increased hide and pelt harvesting...
This is the first time we've done a public beta branch for ARK, so here is a lengthy but necessary introduction. As a quick starting note: Before accessing a beta branch you should create a backup of any single player games, characters, or server files that you may have ...