kibana-plugin install file:///E:/software/ELK/x-pack-5.2.0.zip时候报错: 将命令改为 kibana-plugin install file://E:/software/ELK/ 则执行成功,所以需要注意file后面只需要'//'而不是'///'。
1. Kibana 开发环境搭建 参见 Git下载 kibana git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/kibana.git kibana 如果分支git clone –b xxx cd kibana Install the version of node.js listed in the .node-version file (this can be easil...
调用InstallKibanaSystemPlugin,安装Kibana预置插件。要求Kibana的规格为2核4G及以上。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。 调试 请求头 该接口使用公共请求头,无特殊请求头。请参见公共请求参数文档。
tom@tom-virtual-machine:~/kibana-5.2.1-linux-x86_64$ ./bin/kibana-plugin install Attempting to transfer from
Kibana can not install the Wazuh plugin because of mailformed URL kibana_1 | Attempting to transfer from
Execute: bin/kibana-plugin install file:///path/to/kibana-plugin.zipAfter the plugin has been installed, Kibana will run the optimization process. Depending on your system this might take a couple of minutes. This is an Kibana internal process required for each installed plugin and cannot be ...
HttpCode错误信息描述 400InstanceNotFoundThe instanceId provided does not exist.实例找不到,请核对实例状态。 访问错误中心查看更多错误码。 上一篇:InstallKibanaSystemPlugin下一篇:UpdateKibanaWhiteIps 该文章对您有帮助吗? 反馈
下面是解决方案: 在application.yml中加入如下配置就可以了 feign: hystrix: enabled: true ...
To install the plugin, you can follow ourElastic Stack installation guides. This manual describes the configuration process to start this plugin and the different features of the plugins that can be used. Additionally, a reference and troubleshooting guide is provided for quick access to some key ...
This package does not have a README. Add a README to your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords kibana authentication keystone multitenancy pluginPackage Sidebar Install npm i monasca-kibana-plugin Repository Homepage