Descubre aquí la nueva Sorento de Kia México, una SUV familiar con tres filas de asientos, rasgos fuertes, seguridad superior y motor turbo.
The Kia Sorento range offers remarkable power and efficiency, along with endless driving pleasure and a wide selection of advanced electrified powertrains. You have the option to choose the efficiency of the latest generation of diesel engine, or the con
索兰托是起亚推出的一款车。2002年初一款酷似奔驰M级的suv被披露。仅仅几个月之后,这款车就正式定名为索兰托(Sorento)并投入量产。大量欧洲风格的设计手法,使得索兰托丢失了自己本身所具有的特色。简介 从整体上看,索兰托是用气势,而非局部的夸张造型来标榜自己的越野能力。霸气十足的前大灯,车身造型欧化趋势十分...
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.
Sorento索兰托 Sorento(中文名“索兰托”)是起亚自2003年起全球发售的中型SUV(SportsUtility Vehicle)产品 [15],2020年第四代Sorento正式发布 [16] [27]。 Sorento索兰托 赛图斯 起亚汽车紧凑级SUV赛图斯在2023上海车展上正式上市。共推出4款车型,搭载1.5L发动机,售价区间为10.99-13.99万元。 [76] 品牌文化 播报 编辑...
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.
Kia America, Inc. provides a wide range of cars that meet your lifestyle. Browse our luxury or sports sedans, hybrids, electric cars, SUVs & hatchbacks.