I bought a Kia Seltos in bathurst a while back and the time of purchase service was really really good but as soon as I left with my Seltos I started having problems couple of weeks after and the service was really awfull, the girl and her boss basically said I was stupid and made me...
图片信息简介:一个“路标”改变了整个故事-KIA起亚汽车平面广告·图片编号为948314,上传时间为2015-09-14 23:42:35,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。特别提醒:本站所有作品收集于网络,版权均属各自所有者,本站素材仅提供学习参考,请勿商用,如有侵权请联系我们邮箱(200894114#qq.com,把#换成@)删除,要...