The meaning of KIA ORA is —used as a salutation or toast in Australia and New Zealand.
See the popularity of the baby name Kiaora over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool.
and the latest Air New Zealand news, including new destinations, services, and travel packages, will show you just how to get there. KiaOra也充满被保证有您劫掠为您的护照的旅行特点,或者看探索Aotearoa的另一个角落,并且最新的空气新西兰新闻,包括新的目的地,为服务,并且旅行包裹,将显示您如何到那里。
What's the meaning of life? Who's your mother? Who's your daddy?Worried about your privacy? Oscar's here to help with your travel! He might ask about your Air New Zealand account, bookings, and other travel-related things in order to assist. Oscar's software records whatever you tell...
This change was understood as due to the negative meaning the original name has suggested – Devotion to Japan army. Made of disposals from after-war garbage, the tower was used for commemorating the dead Jpanaese armies killed in the war. There is a blog article well explained in detail ...
Kia ora ai te Iwi - Whanau Oranga (wellbeing of the whole family): Supporting Maori with cultural-adapted psychological interventions to cope with the impact of Mate Wareware (Dementia),University of Auckland,Interventional,Not Applicable
Today, we witness the unimaginable: a million Palestinians heading north—wounded, hurting, and carrying the weight of four generations of pain. And yet, amid the suffering, they smile, chant, and wave the Palestinian flag. This moment carries a meaning far beyond symbolism. The right of retur...
As used in this Section 3.26, all technical terms enclosed in quotation marks shall have the meaning set forth in ERISA. 3.27 Sellers and Shareholders Not Foreign Persons. Neither the Sellers nor any of the Shareholders is a "foreign person" as that term is defined in the Code and the ...
meaningofArticle3(1)(b)oftheMergerRegulationcontrolofthewholeofKia MotorsCorporation(“KMC”)bywayofpurchaseofshares. 2.Afterexaminationofthenotification,theCommissionhasconcludedthatthenotified operationfallswithinthescopeoftheCouncilRegulationNo4064/89anddoesnot ...
VixNote: Now, i’m not going to talk about ‘what’ these words are. So as long as you get the meaning, which I believe the above explanations will prove sufficient. The reason is because I myself suck at differentiating between nouns, verbs, etc. I just know how to use them damnit...