L'EV6 GT veille à ce que chaque personne à bord bénéficie à tout moment d'un confort total. C'est pourquoi de nombreux ports de recharge sont disponibles. Chargeur sans fil pour smartphone Rester connecté à tout ce dont vous avez besoin est une évidence dans l'EV6 GT. Recharge...
The EV6’s front seats recline to let you relax whilst charging. When reclined they optimise your posture and better distribute your body weight for maximum comfort.Available on GT-Line grades.Convenience What you need, when you need it. Remote Smart Parking Assist Smart power tailgate Front...
Kia may say the EV6 GT needs three and a half seconds to hit 60 mph from a standstill, but a real-life test showed it's about two-tenths of a second quicker.
[Fifth Gear] 对比评测阿尔法罗密欧Stelvio四叶草\起亚EV6 GT 57 -- 7:07 App FIRST LOOK - Lamborghini Lanzador – INSANE 1350bhp Ultra-GT 426 -- 0:13 App 预算十来万入手SUV我只认狮铂拓界 163 -- 10:02 App 魔毯級超跑的進化論,舒適操控我全都要!McLaren 750 S 葡萄牙試駕浏览...
If you prioritize maximum straight-line performance, the 576-hp GT has you covered; in our testing, it rushed to 60 mph in just 3.2 seconds. We also tested a 2023 Kia EV6 GT as part of a 0-to-150-to-0 speed test where it returned to a stop in just 31.2 seconds, only a tenth...
GT-line with two electric motors and weighing 100 kilos heavier to the rear drive models provides 239kW and 605Nm of torque. Delivering a driving range of 484km which I found most accurate with a mix of urban and country driving.
用户协议|隐私协议|营业执照 站点地图侵权投诉我要反馈加入我们广告投放懂车指数 【汽车】Kia EV6 GT-Line|品牌電能新勢力 遙控停車初體驗! 发布于2022.3.12 07:02 次播放 黑夜里的灰 关注0人1644粉丝 关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频
KIA EV6 GT Line Wind Land 探索新潮出行!我的新宠——无边框车门,炫酷改装,尽在掌握!🚗✨ 🔥第一眼就被吸引!这辆车的外观升级让人眼前一亮,尽显时尚与个性。无钥匙舒适进入,科技感十足。 🚙驾驶体验超舒适!无论是市区穿梭还是郊外游玩,它都能轻松应对。电耗表现也让人满意,充电更省心。
including our reigningCar of the Year, theKia EV6. Not only does the EV6 have a spacious interior and an impressive range, but you can go for a range-topping GT-Line S model with four-wheel drive (as we’ve done here) and still spend less than you would on the cheapest Model Y....
而The Kia EV6 GT-line車型在雙電動馬達的加持下,更具備強悍的 325 ps 及 61.7 kg-m 扭力峰值,僅需 5.2 秒即可完成 0~100 km/h 加速。為提供多元的駕駛感受,The Kia EV6更搭載Comfort舒適、Eco節能、Sport運動、Snow雪地等四種駕馭模式,讓駕駛能依道路情況與個人喜好進行調整,沉浸於截然不同駕馭感受中。