Ki-67 AntigenDisease-Free SurvivalTumor Markers, BiologicalSurvival AnalysisPrognosisFemaleFollow-Up StudiesThe BJC is owned by Cancer Research UK, a charity dedicated to understanding the causes, prevention and treatment of cancer and to making sure that the best new treatments reach patients in the...
Ki-67 的检测也缺乏统一的标准,不同实验室之间的Ki-67检测值差异是客观存在的,而且穿刺获得的组织中的Ki-67表达情况不能代表肿瘤总体情况[57]。Ki-67的临界值尚存在争议,2011年圣安东尼奥国际乳腺癌共识会议上,Ki-67 被作为乳腺癌分子分型的判断标准[58],综合国内外研究可发现,不同的文献中,Ki-67的临界值从...
Ki-67 is a proliferative marker for NETs that is highly reproducible when used to grade tumors according to ENETS and WHO categories. The high inter-institutional reliability in the determination of tumor grade as assessed by Ki-67 makes it a reliable tool in the assessment of...
2 A monoclonal antibody is used for IHC staining of the proliferation-associated nuclear protein Ki-67 in tumor cells to determine the percentage of Ki-67–positive cells among the total population of tumor cells in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections obtained from a core-cut biopsy sample;...
Ki-67 protein has been widely used as a proliferation marker for human tumor cells for decades. In recent studies, multiple molecular functions of this large protein have become better understood. Ki-67 has roles in both interphase and mitotic cells, and its cellular distribution dramatically chang...
Ki-67 labeling index assessed by immunohistochemical assays has been shown useful in assessing the risk of recurrence for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive H
Quantitative study of labeling index (expressed in per cent of positive cells to all tumor cells) of Ki-67 (Ki-67LI), a marker of tumor proliferation, was performed in a group of 37 primary glial tumors and their recurrences. Three cases were entirely negative (no positive cells were found...
· 568·肿瘤增殖标记分子Ki .67和增殖细胞核抗原及其在病理诊断中的应用苏静郑杰活跃的增殖能力是恶性肿瘤的重要标志之一,在日常病理诊断工作中,判断肿瘤的增殖能力是鉴别肿瘤良恶性、提示肿瘤预后的重要指标。在高倍视野下进行核分裂象计数是简单易行的方法,然而由于视野选择和不同阅片者之间判断差异所带来的误差,使...
The ki-67 protein is present in all active phases of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2 and mitosis) but absent in quiescent cells (G0). This fact makes the ki-67 proliferation index a good marker for this disease during the development course. Investigators can use ki-67 to predict tumor ...
Newer treatment strategy based on proliferative nuclear marker Ki-67 targeted therapy holds promise for prioritized/personalized treatment options with regard to improved survival and outcome in patients with renal cancer. Over the past decade, the importance of Ki-67 in prognosis of breast cancer has...