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As it occurs, each of the twin-personages has his horizon of existence belonging to one of these two types, or to one of the novel's chronotope "hemispheres". What is being also observed, is the relation between these parts, and within each of the t...
As it occurs, each of the twin-personages has his horizon of existence belonging to one of these two types, or to one of the novel's chronotope "hemispheres". What is being also observed, is the relation between these parts, and within each of the two twin pairs born by this ...
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【高分句型一】These stories can relieve my stress and broaden my horizon.Besides,I even submitted my own fiction to Youth.Refused as I was,I still received some great encouragement,which gives me confidence to be a writer.【高分句型二】(读报的经历以及喜爱的栏目) I do ex...
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